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 From the Portrait and Biographical Record of Sheboygan County, Wis., 1898:

Rev. Joseph A. Van Treeck, Page 359


REV. JOSEPH A. VAN TREECK is a pastor of St. John the Baptist's Church at Plymouth, which is located on the corner of Main and Pleasant Streets.  Rev. Father Haider held services at this place as early as 1861.  Father Haider was the faithful and popular pastor of the Catholic congregation at Sheboygan, and it was through his influence that the church building at Plymouth was created.  It was attended from Sheboygan, and by reverend fathers from Mt. Calvary, as a mission.  But for several years before the coming of the present pastor, whose service began on the first Sunday in August, 1891, it had no pastor.

    Father Van Treeck has made important and substantial improvements during his pastoral charge.  Under his administration an addition has been made to the church building, improvements have been made to the grounds, and a pastor's residence was erected in the fall of 1891.  The congregation is composed of about forty-five families.  Father Van Treeck also attends a mission at Glenbeulah, that congregation numbering about the same as the one at Plymouth.

    Father Van Treeck is a representative of a pioneer family of Sheboygan County, his father being Peter Jacob Van Treeck, a sketch of whom is found elsewhere in this volume.  He is a brother of Rev. J. P. Van Treeck, of Sheboygan, and was born in the town of Lima, January 7, 1861.  Rev. Van Treeck received his education in theology and philosophy at St. Francis' Seminary, near Milwaukee, which institution he entered in 1885, and where he remained five years.  Previous to this he had pursued a course of instruction at St. Vincent's, Pa.  He was ordained by Archbishop Heiss August 11, 1889.